Dipartimento di Scienze chimiche, biologiche, farmaceutiche e ambientali
Evaluation of PGC Stationary Phases Under High-Temperature LC Conditions for the Analysis of Parabens in Food Samples
2023-01-01 La Tella, Roberta; Rigano, Francesca; Corman, Clinton R.; Odugbesi, Gabriel A.; Donato, Paola; Dugo, Paola; Mondello, Luigi
Evaluation of the Level of Toxic Contaminants and Essential Molecules in the Context of the Re-Use of Tuna Fishery Industry by-Products
2021-01-01 Donnarumma, D.; La Tella, R.; Vento, F.; Salerno, T. M. G.; Micalizzi, G.; Rigano, F.; Mondello, L.
Hemp seed-based food products as functional foods: A comprehensive characterization of secondary metabolites using liquid and gas chromatography methods
2023-01-01 Trovato, E; Arena, K; La Tella, R; Rigano, F; Vinci, Rl; Dugo, P; Mondello, L; Guarnaccia, P
Human blood lipid profiles after dietary supplementation of different omega 3 ethyl esters formulations
2023-01-01 Donnarumma, D.; Di Salle, A.; Micalizzi, G.; Vento, F.; La Tella, R.; Iannotta, P.; Trovato, E.; Melone, M. A. B.; Rigano, F.; Donato, P.; Mondello, L.; Peluso, G.
Non-psychoactive cannabinoids identification by linear retention index approach applied to a hand-portable capillary liquid chromatography platform
2022-01-01 La Tella, R.; Rigano, F.; Guarnaccia, P.; Dugo, P.; Mondello, L.
Principles and applications of porous graphitic carbon stationary phase in liquid chromatography: An update
2024-01-01 Russo, M.; Camillo, M. R. T.; La Tella, R.; Rigano, F.; Donato, P.; Mondello, L.; Dugo, P.
The retention index approach in liquid chromatography: An historical review and recent advances
2021-01-01 Rigano, F.; Arigò, A.; Oteri, M.; La Tella, R.; Dugo, P.; Mondello, L.
Use of advanced analytical methods for the investigation of real world samples, with focus on eco-sustainable approaches
2022-02-24 LA TELLA, Roberta