DE CARLO, Alessandro
DE CARLO, Alessandro
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale
A qualitative study on the perception of intellectual capital among a group of senior managers of Italian social enterprises
2019-01-01 Benevene, P.; Kong, E.; De Carlo, A.; Lucchesi, M.; Cortini, M.
2023-01-01 Capozza, Dora; DE CARLO, Alessandro; Falvo, Rossella
An Opportunity to Grow or a Label? Performance Appraisal Justice and Performance Appraisal Satisfaction to Increase Teachers’ Well-Being
2019-01-01 Dal Corso, L.; De Carlo, A.; Carluccio, F.; Girardi, D.; Falco, A.
Authors’ response
2016-01-01 Girardi, D.; Falco, A.; De Carlo, A.; Benevene, P.; Comar, M.; Tongiorgi, E.; Bartolucci, G. B.
Breaking the maternity mold: navigating the return to work and challenging rigid maternal beliefs through an online psychological intervention
2024-01-01 Rapisarda, Sebastiano; De Carlo, Alessandro; Pasqualetto, Elena; Volling, Brenda L.; Dal Corso, Laura
Child work: Attitudes and policies of consumption among a group of Italian youngsters
2014-01-01 Benevene, P.; di Lemma, L.; De Carlo, A.
Coping with the economic and labor crisis: Models and tools for the evaluation of suicide risk
2016-01-01 De Carlo, A.; Dal Corso, L.; Di Sipio, A.; Scarcella, M.; Sorvillo, D.
Does Workload Moderate the Association between Perfectionism and Workaholism: A Longitudinal Study
2020-01-01 Falco, A.; Girardi, D.; Corso, L. D.; De Carlo, A.; Di Sipio, A.
Effects of temporary job contracts on the well-being of individuals and organizations
2008-01-01 Falco, A.; Corso, L. D.; De Carlo, A.; Di Sipio, A.
Employee burnout and positive dimensions of well-being: a latent workplace spirituality profile analysis
2020-01-01 Dal Corso, L.; de Carlo, A.; Carluccio, F.; Colledani, D.; Falco, A.
Ethical leadership as antecedent of job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay among volunteers of non-profit organizations
2018-01-01 Benevene, P.; Dal Corso, L.; De Carlo, A.; Falco, A.; Carluccio, F.; Vecina, M. L.
Further evidence for the validity of the KUT: a measure of organizational commitment
2024-01-01 Colledani, D.; Falvo, R.; De Carlo, A.; Capozza, D.
Hermeneutic single case efficacy design: A systematic review of published research and current standards
2015-01-01 Benelli, E.; De Carlo, A.; Biffi, D.; Mcleod, J.
How to positively manage return to work after maternity leave: Positive supervisor behaviors to promote working mothers’ well-being
2020-01-01 Carluccio, F.; Dal Corso, L.; Falco, A.; De Carlo, A.
Interpersonal conflict and perceived work stress: The role of negative affectivity
2011-01-01 Girardi, D.; Falco, A.; Corso, L. D.; Kravina, L.; De Carlo, A.
Is workaholism associated with inflammatory response? The moderating role of work engagement
2019-01-01 Girardi, D.; De Carlo, A.; Dal Corso, L.; Andreassen, C. S.; Falco, A.
Nurse Burnout Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Comparative Review
2023-01-01 Rizzo, Amelia; Yildirim, Murat; Güler Öztekin, Gülçin; DE CARLO, Alessandro; Nucera, Gabriella; Szarpak, Lukasz; Zaffina, Salvatore; Chirico, Francesco
2022-01-01 DE CARLO, A.; Girardi, D.; Rapisarda, S.; Falco, A.
One perception, two perspectives: Measuring psychological contract dimensionality through the psychological contract content questionnaire
2018-01-01 Barbieri, B.; Farnese, M. L.; Sulis, I.; Dal Corso, L.; De Carlo, A.
Organizational Psychology and Technology: ethical, legal and practical issues related to active listening and work-related stress monitoring in Italy and Europe
2019-01-01 De Carlo, Alessandro; Dal Corso, Laura; Benevene, Paula; Vicente Castro, Florencio; Corbo, Matteo