SCAVO, Aurelio
SCAVO, Aurelio
Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie
Adoption of Cereal–Legume Double Cropping toward More Sustainable Organic Systems in the Mediterranean Area
2024-01-01 Scordia, Danilo; Guarnaccia, Paolo; Calderone, Francesca; Maio, Aurora; LA MALFA, Tommaso; Scavo, Aurelio; Gresta, Fabio
Allelopathic Activity of Three Wild Mediterranean Asteraceae: Silybum marianum, Cynara cardunculus var. sylvestris, Galactites tomentosus
2024-01-01 La Iacona, M.; Lombardo, S.; Mauromicale, G.; Scavo, A.; Pandino, G.
Allelopathic effects of Cynara cardunculus L. leaf aqueous extracts on seed germination of some Mediterranean weed species
2018-01-01 Scavo, A; Restuccia, A; Pandino, G; Onofri, A; Mauromicale, G
Allelopathic potential of leaf aqueous extracts from Cynara cardunculus L. on the seedling growth of two cosmopolitan weed species
2019-01-01 Scavo, Aurelio; Pandino, Gaetano; Restuccia, Alessia; Lombardo, Sara; Pesce Gaetano, Roberto; Mauromicale, Giovanni
Allelopathy in Durum Wheat Landraces as Affected by Genotype and Plant Part
2022-01-01 Scavo, A.; Pandino, G.; Restuccia, A.; Caruso, P.; Lombardo, S.; Mauromicale, G.
Allelopathy: Principles and Basic Aspects for Agroecosystem Control
2018-01-01 Scavo, Aurelio; Restuccia, Alessia; Mauromicale, Giovanni
Antimicrobial activity of cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis DC.) leaf extracts against bacterial species of agricultural and food interest
2019-01-01 Scavo, A.; Pandino, G.; Restuccia, C.; Parafati, L.; Cirvilleri, G.; Mauromicale, G.
Caffeoylquinic acids and flavones profile in Cynara cardunculus L. seedlings under controlled conditions as affected by light and water-supply treatments
2022-01-01 Pandino, G.; Bonomo, A.; Scavo, A.; Mauromicale, G.; Lombardo, S.
Combined application of antagonistic Wickerhamomyces anomalus BS91 strain and Cynara cardunculus L. leaf extracts for the control of postharvest decay of citrus fruit
2020-01-01 Restuccia, C.; Lombardo, M.; Scavo, A.; Mauromicale, G.; Cirvilleri, G.
Crop allelopathy for sustainable weed management in agroecosystems: Knowing the present with a view to the future
2021-01-01 Scavo, A.; Mauromicale, G.
Cropping Systems and Agronomic Management Practices of Field Crops
2023-01-01 Anastasi, Umberto; Scavo, Aurelio
Differentiated Weed-Suppressive Ability of Modern and Old Durum Wheat Cultivars after Long-Term Cultivation under Semi-Arid Climate
2022-01-01 Scavo, A; Restuccia, A; Bannò, M; Mauromicale, G
Dissecting the Genotype × Environment Interaction for Potato Tuber Yield and Components
2023-01-01 Scavo, A; Mauromicale, G; Ierna, A
Effect of Cynara cardunculus extract on the shelf life of aubergine burgers
2018-01-01 Mazzaglia, A; Licciardello, F; Scavo, A; Muratore, G; Mauromicale, G; Restuccia, C
Effect of shading on the sesquiterpene lactone content and phytotoxicity of cultivated cardoon leaf extracts
2020-01-01 Scavo, A.; Rial, C.; Molinillo, J. M. G.; Varela, R. M.; Mauromicale, G.; Macias, F. A.
Genotype and harvest time affect the allelopathic activity of Cynara cardunculus L. extracts on Amaranthus retroflexus L. And Portulaca oleracea L
2020-01-01 Scavo, A.; Pandino, G.; Rial, C.; Varela, R. M.; Molinillo, J. M. G.; Macias, F. A.; Mauromicale, G.
Genotype × environment interactions of potato tuber quality characteristics by AMMI and GGE biplot analysis
2023-01-01 Scavo, A; Mauromicale, G; Ierna, A
Improvement in the cynaropicrin, caffeoylquinic acid and flavonoid content of globe artichokes with gibberellic acid treatment
2022-01-01 Lombardo, Sara; Scavo, Aurelio; Pandino, Gaetano; Cantone, Marco; Mauromicale, Giovanni
Improving soil health, weed management and nitrogen dynamics by Trifolium subterraneum cover cropping
2020-01-01 Scavo, A.; Restuccia, A.; Lombardo, S.; Fontanazza, S.; Abbate, C.; Pandino, G.; Anastasi, U.; Onofri, A.; Mauromicale, G.
Influence of Genotype and Harvest Time on the Cynara cardunculus L. Sesquiterpene Lactone Profile
2019-01-01 Scavo, A; Rial, C; Varela, Rm; Molinillo, Jmg; Mauromicale, G; Macias, Fa