Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 499
NA - Nord America 322
AS - Asia 108
AF - Africa 1
Totale 930
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 322
IE - Irlanda 240
IT - Italia 124
SE - Svezia 93
SG - Singapore 84
FI - Finlandia 15
ID - Indonesia 14
DE - Germania 9
CN - Cina 5
AT - Austria 4
GB - Regno Unito 4
BE - Belgio 3
JP - Giappone 3
FR - Francia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
HR - Croazia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
NL - Olanda 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 930
Città #
Dublin 240
Chandler 95
Nyköping 92
Singapore 72
Scandicci 61
Princeton 48
Messina 22
Helsinki 14
Jakarta 13
Medford 13
Ashburn 8
Catania 8
Milan 4
Belpasso 3
Edinburgh 3
Los Angeles 3
Nuremberg 3
Sint-Niklaas 3
Vienna 3
Daimyo 2
Heidelberg 2
Laterza 2
Macerata 2
Ribera 2
Washington 2
Arezzo 1
Azzano Mella 1
Beijing 1
Borås 1
Bosa 1
Certaldo 1
Enna 1
Florence 1
Guiyang 1
Hildesheim 1
Hong Kong 1
Kyiv 1
Leipzig 1
London 1
Miami 1
Paola 1
Rome 1
Semarang 1
Shenyang 1
Tokyo 1
Tuen Mun 1
Zagreb 1
Totale 742
Nome #
From "Angels" to "Vice Smugglers": the Criminalization of Sea Rescue NGOs in Italy 59
Defend(ing) Europe? Border control and identitarian activism off the Libyan Coast 44
Guilt by association? The criminalisation of sea rescue NGOs in Italian media 39
The colors of ideology: Chromatic isomorphism and political party logos 36
Advancing private security studies: introduction to the special issue 32
A civil-military response to hybrid threats 28
Private military and security companies’ logos : between camouflaging and corporate socialization 28
Diplomatic Security. A Comparative Analysis 28
Varieties of organised hypocrisy: security privatisation in UN, EU, and NATO crisis 28
Bureaucratic interests and the outsourcing of security: The privatization of diplomatic protection in the United States and the United Kingdom 28
Handing over leadership: The drivers and future of transatlantic environmental governance 26
The scope of military privatisation: Military role conceptions and contractor support in the United States and the United Kingdom 25
Conclusions 25
The future of migration to Europe 25
Emptying the sea with a spoon? Non-governmental providers of migrants search and rescue in the Mediterranean 24
Conclusions 23
Diplomatic Security for Hire: The Causes and Implications of Outsourcing Embassy Protection 23
Contractors as a Second Best Option: The Italian Hybrid Approach to Maritime Security 22
Bridging the Gap: Mobilisation Constraints and Contractor Support to US and UK Military Operations 21
Concluding comments 21
From Strategic Communication to Sanctions: the European Union’s Approach to Hybrid Threats’ 21
Conclusion. The History, Effectiveness, and Implications of Diplomatic Security 21
United to rescue? Humanitarian role conceptions and NGO–NGO interactions in the Mediterranean Sea 19
In deep waters: The legal, humanitarian and political implications of closing Italian ports to migrant rescuers 16
Projecting resilience across the Mediterranean 16
Humanitarians at sea: Selective emulation across migrant rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean sea 16
The non-governmental provision of search and rescue in the Mediterranean and the abdication of state responsibility 15
Against the Tide: The Counter-Repression Strategies of Sea Rescue Organizations in the Mediterranean 14
Mobilization Constraints and Military Privatization. The Political Cost-Effectiveness of Outsourcing Security 14
Varieties of criminalization: Italy’s evolving approach to policing sea rescue NGOs 14
Piracy and the privatisation of maritime security : vessel protection policies compared 13
null 12
Failing through: European migration governance across the central Mediterranean 12
Introduction 11
Over troubled waters : maritime rescue operations in the central Mediterranean 11
Who is to blame? Stories of European Union migration governance in Italian, Maltese, and Spanish newspapers 10
Varieties of organised hypocrisy: security privatisation in UN, EU, and NATO crisis management operations 10
Transformation de l’Engagement Civique et Nouvel Art Americain de la Guerre 10
Straightjacketing migrant rescuers? The code of conduct on maritime NGOs 9
United States Antipiracy Policies: Between Military Missions and Private Sector Responsabilization 9
The Political Cost-Effectiveness of Private Vessel Protection: The Italian Case 9
Is someone’s mercenary another’s contractor? American, British, and Russian private security companies in US and UK parliamentary debates 9
Introduction 9
Money for nothing? Contractor Support from an Economic Perspective 9
The sea as humanitarian space: Non-governmental Search and Rescue dilemmas on the Central Mediterranean migratory route 8
Piracy and the Privatization of Maritime Security: Isomorphic Convergence in Vessel Protection 8
European integration and political party logos: A ‘visual Europeanization’? 8
Morally evaluating human smuggling: the case of migration to Europe 8
Migrant rescue as organized hypocrisy: EU maritime missions offshore Libya between humanitarianism and border control 7
Dai marò ai contractor. La privatizzazione della sicurezza marittima in Italia 7
Private Military and Security Contractors: Controlling the Corporate Warrior 7
Policy Prospects for Regulating Private Military and Security Companies 7
The UK approach to controlling private military and security contractors 7
Introduction: what is diplomatic security? 7
What is driving the outsourcing of diplomatic security? 6
Normative Power under Contract? Commercial Support to European Crisis Management Operations 6
Security privatisation at sea: Piracy and the commercialisation of vessel protection 6
Resilience for hire? NATO contractor support in Afghanistan examined 6
NATO in a Changing World 6
Introduction 5
The International Politics of Logos. Colours, Symbols, Cues, and Identities 5
null 2
Lethal brands: Terrorist groups’ logos and violence 2
Totale 1.012
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.295
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.295

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202269 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 63
2022/2023577 78 17 29 24 33 51 7 35 275 5 15 8
2023/202495 13 18 19 4 10 8 5 0 2 6 5 5
2024/2025271 66 2 18 75 33 77 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.012