CASILE, Antonino
CASILE, Antonino
Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali
A novel immersive virtual reality environment for the motor rehabilitation of stroke patients: A feasibility study
2022-01-01 Fregna, Giulia; Schincaglia, Nicola; Baroni, Andrea; Straudi, Sofia; Casile, Antonino
A theoretical analysis of the influence of fixational instability on the development of thalamocortical connectivity
2006-01-01 Casile, Antonino; Rucci, Michele
A theory of the influence of eye movements on the refinement of direction selectivity in the cat's primary visual cortex
2009-01-01 Casile, Antonino; Rucci, Michele
Contrast sensitivity reveals an oculomotor strategy for temporally encoding space
2019-01-01 Casile, Antonino; Victor, Jonathan D; Rucci, Michele
Critical features for the recognition of biological motion
2005-01-01 Casile, Antonino; Giese, Martin A
Decorrelation of neural activity during fixational instability: possible implications for the refinement of V1 receptive fields
2004-01-01 Rucci, Michele; Casile, Antonino
Effects of aversive stimuli on prospective memory. An event-related fMRI study
2011-01-01 Rea, Massimiliano; Kullmann, Stephanie; Veit, Ralf; Casile, Antonino; Braun, Christoph; Belardinelli, Marta Olivetti; Birbaumer, Niels; Caria, Andrea
Encoding of point of view during action observation in the local field potentials of macaque area F5
2015-01-01 Caggiano, Vittorio; Giese, Martin; Thier, Peter; Casile, Antonino
Fixational instability and natural image statistics: implications for early visual representations
2005-01-01 Rucci, Michele; Casile, Antonino
Head-Mounted Displays for Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: A Scoping Review
2023-01-01 Fregna, Giulia; Paoluzzi, Chiara; Baroni, Andrea; Cano-de-la-Cuerda, Roberto; Casile, Antonino; Straudi, Sofia
Human movements and abstract motion displays activate different processes in the observer's motor system
2016-01-01 Agosta, Sara; Battelli, Lorella; Casile, Antonino
I can see my virtual body in a mirror: The role of visual perspective in changing implicit racial attitudes using virtual reality
2022-01-01 Marini, Maddalena; Casile, Antonino
Joining forces: motor control meets mirror neurons: comment on "Grasping synergies: a motor-control approach to the mirror neuron mechanism" by D'Ausilio, Bartoli, and Maffongelli
2015-01-01 Casile, Antonino
Mirror Neurons
2022-01-01 Casile, Antonino
Mirror neurons (and beyond) in the macaque brain: an overview of 20 years of research
2013-01-01 Casile, Antonino
Mirror neurons differentially encode the peripersonal and extrapersonal space of monkeys
2009-01-01 Caggiano, Vittorio; Fogassi, Leonardo; Rizzolatti, Giacomo; Thier, Peter; Casile, Antonino
Mirror neurons encode the subjective value of an observed action
2012-01-01 Caggiano, Vittorio; Fogassi, Leonardo; Rizzolatti, Giacomo; Casile, Antonino; Giese, Martin A; Thier, Peter
Muscle Synergy Analysis as a Tool for Assessing the Effectiveness of Gait Rehabilitation Therapies: A Methodological Review and Perspective
2024-01-01 Borzelli, D.; De Marchis, C.; Quercia, A.; De Pasquale, P.; Casile, A.; Quartarone, A.; Calabrò, R. S.; D'Avella, A.
Neural representations of kinematic laws of motion: evidence for action-perception coupling
2007-01-01 Dayan, Eran; Casile, Antonino; Levit-Binnun, Nava; Giese, Martin A; Hendler, Talma; Flash, Tamar
Neuronal encoding of human kinematic invariants during action observation
2010-01-01 Casile, Antonino; Dayan, Eran; Caggiano, Vittorio; Hendler, Talma; Flash, Tamar; Giese, Martin A