MARCHESI, Maria Serena
MARCHESI, Maria Serena
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
"Andalusian Hours: Poems from the Porch of Flannery O'Connor" by Angela Alaimo O'Donnell. Review.
2021-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"Beyond Metaphor": The Uncanny Precariousness of Being
2022-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"For the lawyer is born but to murder: the Saviour lives but to bless": legge degli uomini e legge di Dio in Rizpah di Alfred Tennyson.
2001-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"Go, say this, Pilgrim dear": Strutture attoriali dantesche in Rudel to the Lady of Tripoli di Robert Browning.
2007-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"There shall no sign be given": Il soprannaturale cristiano in The Holy Grail di Tennyson.
2005-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"This Tawdry, tinselled thing". Anti-morale e sperimentalismo in Only a Dancing Girl, di W.S. Gilbert
2015-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
"Wherefore art THOU Romeo?". Henry Irving and the Dark Side of Romeo and Juliet
2018-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
5 November 1866. The Story of Henry Irving and Dion Boucicault’s Hunted Down, or, The Two Lives of Mary Leigh
2016-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
An Apple-gathering di Christina Rossetti: la voce di una ‘fallen woman’
1999-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Arthur Machen tra Hawthorne e Ruskin. Il potere salvifico del retaggio celtico nella società industriale.
2021-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Between Two Worlds: Sicily and America by Luisa LoCascio Review by Maria Serena Marchesi
2019-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Bostoniani a Livorno: il console Thomas Appleton e i suoi conterranei, by Maria Augiero and Algerina Neri. Pisa - Edizioni Plus - Università di Pisa Press, 2012, 183 pp.
2014-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Eliot's Perpetual Struggle: The Language of Evil in "Murder in the Cathedral".
2009-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Esoterismo e retaggio celtico in Arthur Machen
2020-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
George Bernard Shaw e la modernizzazione dell'eredità ruskiniana in Ruskin's Politics
2023-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
He's a Lunatic! Il caso Herman Merivale
2022-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
High Notes, by Lois Roma Deeley
2013-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
Il cimitero degli Inglesi in Livorno.
2006-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
2014-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena
John Baldwin Buckstone, Robert Macaire, or, the Exploits of a Gentleman at Large
2012-01-01 Marchesi, Maria Serena