TAVIANO, Stefania
TAVIANO, Stefania
Dipartimento di Civiltà antiche e moderne
"Over there" ovvero riscoprire la Sicilia attraverso il teatro
2003-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
British Acculturation of Italian Theatre
2000-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Citizen Journalism and Hip-Hop in the Arab World: A Case Study
2011-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Dario Fo and Franca Rame in the UK
2001-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Dario Fo and His Interpreters on Stage: a play within the play
2003-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Didattica della traduzione: un approccio incentrato sullo studente
2006-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
ELF and translation/interpreting in Italy
2017-01-01 Taviano, S.
ELF as a translational Lingua Franca: reciprocal influences between ELF and translation
2018-01-01 Taviano, S.
ELF communication and intercultural mediation. An interdisciplinary approach
2021-01-01 Taviano, S.
En Attendant Godot/Waiting for Godot: autotraduzione e work in progress
2016-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
English as a Lingua Franca and Translation. Language Myths and Translation Practices in a Globalized World.
2015-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
English as a Lingua Franca and Translation: Implications for Translator and Interpreter Education.
2013-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
English as an International Language and the Pedagogy of Translation
2010-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Global Hip Hop: A Translation and Multimodal Perspective
2013-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
I Am Ready
2004-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Il rapporto tra creazione e ricezione in En Attendant Godot/Waiting For Godot
1997-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Italian culture on the American stage
2000-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
Johan Padan and the Discovery of the Americas
2001-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
L'americanizzazione di Bertolt Brecht
2005-01-01 Taviano, Stefania
La comicità italo-americana. Il caso di Noc e Joe
2004-01-01 Taviano, Stefania