Universita' degli Studi di Messina
(traduzione di) Friedrich Ohly, Il dannato e l'eletto. Vivere con la colpa
2001-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Il "Cristo III" antico inglese. Percorsi di lettura
2005-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Il pavimento musivo della cattedrale di Otranto. In margine a pubblicazioni più o meno recenti
2005-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Lucifer vs Satanus. Sui vv. 365-373a del 'Cristo e Satana'
1999-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Romance Reading on the Book. Essays on Medieval Narrative presented to Maldwyn Mills, Cardiff 1996
2000-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: The Chronicles of Rome. An Edition of the Middle English Chronicle. Ed. by D.Embree, Woodbridge 1999
2000-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: A Book of British Kings, 1200 BC - 1399 AD. Ed. by A.G.Rigg, Toronto 2000
2002-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Chaste Passions. medieval English Virgin Martyr Legends. Ed. and transl. by K.A.Winstead, Ithaca - London 2000
2002-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Cultures of Piety. Medieval English Literature in Translation, ed. by A.Clark Bartlett and T.H.Bestul, Ithaca-London 1999
2001-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: D.Wallace, Chaucerian Polity. Absolutist Lineages and Associational Forms in England and in Italy, Stanford, Cal. 1997
2001-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: di W.Roye's An Exhortation to the diligent studye of scripture and An Exposition in to the seventh chaptre of the pistle to the Corinthians, ed. by D.H.Parker, Torornto-Buffalo-London 2000
2004-01-01 Coppola, Maria
notizia su: H.Goetz, Deutsch und Latein bei Notker. Ergaenzungen zum Notker-Glossar von E.H.Sehrt, Tuebingen 1997
1999-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Layamon, Le gesta di re Artù, a cura di G.Corsi Mercatanti, Milano - Trento 1998
2002-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Le "Liber accipitrum" de Grimaldus: un traité d'autourserie du haut moyen age. texte edité, traduit et annoté par A. Smets, Nogent-le-Roi 2001
2003-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Life of Saint Augustine by John Capgrave, ed. by C. Smetana, Toronto 2001
2003-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Literary Appropriations of the Anglo-Saxons from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century, ed. by D.Scragg and C.Weinberg, Cambridge 2000
2002-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: M.Herbert, Iona, Kells and Derry. The History and Hagiography of the Monastic "Familia" of Columba, Dublin 1996
1999-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Of Shrifte and Penance. The me. Prose Translation of Le Manuel des Péchés, ed. by K. Bitterling
1999-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Rudolf von Schlettstadt, Storie memorabili, a cura di S. M. Barillari, Milano-Trento 1998
2000-01-01 Coppola, Maria
Notizia su: Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplinaerer Forschung. In Zusammenarbeit mit S.Nowak hrsg. von K.Duewel, Berlin - New York 1998
2002-01-01 Coppola, Maria