Environmental metabolomics is a high-throughput approach that has shown considerable potential in mechanistic research. Indeed, it is one of the most powerful “-omics” techniques that allow the simultaneous evaluation of a broad number of endogenous small metabolites, and offer the potential to unravel subtle alterations in biological pathways providing insights into the mechanisms that underlie various physiological conditions, identify new metabolite biomarkers as defensive or adaptive response, and thus provide an overview of the metabolic status of a biological system. Mercury (Hg) is a hazardous pollutant because of its persistence, high toxicity and tendency to bioaccumulate and biomagnify throughout food chains, with implications to humans. Despite the efforts on evaluating the biological impact of Hg on aquatic organisms, the toxicity mechanism of Hg still need to be clarified, and its understanding requires new ways. In this regard, the use of environmental metabolomics may serve as a powerful tool focusing on metabolites involved in various metabolic pathways, which changes might reveal insights into the Hg toxicity mechanisms. Given the similarity of fish responses with higher vertebrates, fish can be used to screen potentially hazardous effects to humans. Considering that oxidative stress has been described as a key pathway to initiate Hg toxicity in fish, the combination of metabolomics and conventional oxidative stress biomarkers could be an innovative and promising approach to disclose Hg-induced toxicity. Hence, this strategy was applied to the liver and gills of the golden grey mullet Liza aurata inhabiting an Hg contaminated system (Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal), with the aim to unmask the mechanisms of Hg toxicity. Furthermore, this thesis has also the merit to provide a detailed comparative analysis of the differential bioaccumulation of Hg and metabolic responses in fish organs, which allowed to discern tissue-specific toxicological effects of Hg in fish liver and gills, attributable to their differential physiological functions. In mullet liver, the major site for xenobiotic bioaccumulation and detoxification processes, metabolomics revealed that Hg accumulation has multiple levels of impact, interfering with membrane stabilization/degradation/repair processes, osmoregulation, energy metabolism, gene expression and antioxidant protection. Also, the oxidative stress biomarkers in liver revealed that Hg triggers adaptive responses of antioxidant system depicted in increased GST and CAT activities as well as GSHt content, compensating GPx activity depletion. Therefore, the combined use of metabolomics and oxidative stress endpoints allowed a better understanding of Hg hepatotoxicity, identifying GSH as a first line of defence against Hg and providing evidences of oxidative insults in cell membranes. Nonetheless, the induction of lipid peroxidation in mullet liver was efficiently prevented. In mullet gills, metabolomics enabled an integrated description of numerous metabolites involved in various metabolic pathways. Interferences with the ion-osmoregulatory processes were revealed, with reduced taurine and glycerophosphocholine, along with increased creatine level. Impairments in energy metabolism were observed, as well as occurrence of protein catabolism supported by the increased levels in amino acids and alanine, the latter mainly involved in nitrogenous waste excretion. Vulnerability in the respiratory gas exchange activity was suggested by augmentation of isobutyrate, a known biomarker of anoxia. The combination of metabolomics and pro-oxidant status evaluation indicated the occurrence of massive GSH oxidation under Hg stress, and an inability to carry out its regeneration (GR activity was unaltered) or de novo synthesis (depletion in GSH constituent amino acids). The prevention of lipid peroxidative damage occurred, and it may be associated with the enhancement of membrane stabilization/repair processes, resulting from depletion in precursors of phosphatidylcholine. Though the exposure to Hg in gills led to a state of vulnerability due to limitations of antioxidant system towards a physiological accommodation, the membranes were able to answer to oxidative insult through the enhancement of stabilization/repair processes. Finally, from the detailed comparison of the differential bioaccumulation of Hg and metabolic responses in fish liver and gills, tissue-specific toxicological mechanisms of Hg, attributable to differential structural properties and physiological functions of the two organs under examination, were also detected. Specifically, Hg accumulation in fish tissues provoked severe disturbances in ion-osmoregulatory processes, mainly in gills, as highlighted by the depletion of osmolytes, namely taurine and glycerophosphocholine. However, the decrease in taurine level recorded in liver was associated to the metal-chelating property of taurine, thus resulting in the occurrence of hepatic detoxification processes. Differential disorders in energy-producing metabolic pathways were found between gills and liver, resulting in an enhancement of anaerobic metabolism as strategy to replenish insufficient energy supply in gills and promotion of gluconeogenesis in liver. Interferences with protein metabolism were also detected in both organs, depicting an ongoing protein catabolism in gills and, conversely, augmented protein synthesis in liver for repair of Hg-damaged proteins or activation of cytoprotective mechanisms to counteract Hg toxicity. Additionally, differential alteration in membrane stabilization/repair processes and perturbation of antioxidant defence system were also pointed out between mullet gills and liver. The novel concurrent use of metabolomics and conventional oxidative stress endpoints, coupled with Hg tissue burdens characterization, demonstrated to be a sensitive and effective tool towards a mechanistically based assessment of Hg toxicity in fish, providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying Hg-induced oxidative stress. Overall, the metabolomics approach demonstrated its effectiveness in the elucidation of the mechanisms of Hg toxicity in wild fish, and allowed to discern tissue-specific toxicological effects of Hg in fish gills and liver, attributable to their differential physiological functions, and potentially observable in humans.
La metabolomica ambientale rappresenta un approccio all’avanguardia che ha mostrato un potenziale considerevole nella ricerca meccanicistica. La metabolomica è la tecnica “-omica” che consente di effettuare una valutazione simultanea di un ampio numero di piccole molecole endogene, e offre il potenziale di mettere in luce minime alterazioni in pathways biologici fornendo quindi delucidazioni nei meccanismi che sottintendono diverse condizioni fisiologiche, di identificare nuovi biomarkers di stress metabolici come risposte di difesa o adattamento a diverse cause di stress, e di fornire quindi una panoramica dello stato metabolico di un sistema biologico. Il mercurio (Hg) è un inquinante pericoloso a causa della sua persistenza, alta tossicità e tendenza a bioaccumulare e biomagnificare attraverso le reti trofiche, con conseguenze per l’uomo. Nonostante i numerosi studi condotti per valutare l’impatto biologico del Hg in organismi acquatici, i meccanismi di tossicità del Hg non sono ancora chiari, e la loro comprensione richiede nuovi strumenti di indagine. In questo contesto, l’uso della metabolomica ambientale può rappresentare uno valido strumento per lo studio dei metaboliti coinvolti in vari pathways metabolici, le cui variazioni possono rivelare indicazioni sui meccanismi di tossicità del Hg. Data la similarità delle risposte osservate in bassi vertebrati, come i pesci, con gli alti vertebrati, i pesci possono essere utilizzati per mettere in evidenza effetti potenzialmente pericolosi nell’uomo. Considerando che lo stress ossidativo è stato descritto come il pathway chiave che innesca la tossicità del Hg nei pesci, la combinazione della metabolomica e di convenzionali biomarkers di stress ossidativo potrebbe rappresentare un approccio innovativo e promettente per svelare la tossicità indotta da Hg. Pertanto, questa strategia è stata applicata al fegato e alle branchie del cefalo dorato Liza aurata proveniente da un’area contaminata da Hg (Aveiro Lagoon, Portogallo), con lo scopo di comprendere i meccanismi di tossicità del Hg. Inoltre, questa tesi ha anche il merito di fornire una dettagliata analisi comparativa del bioaccumulo differentiale del Hg e delle risposte metaboliche osservate nei campioni tissutali dei pesci, che hanno permesso di distinguere effetti tossicologici tessuto-specifici del Hg nel fegato e nelle branchie dei pesci, attribuibili alle loro diverse funzioni fisiologiche. Nel fegato dei cefali, il sito principale per il bioaccumulo e i processi di detossificazione degli xenobiotici, la metabolomica ha rivelato che l’accumulo di Hg ha multipli livelli di impatto, interferendo con i processi di stabilizzazione/degradazione/riparo delle membrane, osmoregolazione, metabolismo energetico, espressione genica, e protezione antiossidante. Inoltre, i biomarkers di stress ossidativo hanno mostrato che il Hg innesca nel fegato risposte adattative del sistema antiossidante, risultanti nell’aumento delle attività del GST e CAT, e del contenuto del GSHt, che compensa la riduzione nell’attività del GPx. Pertanto, l’uso combinato della metabolomica e degli endpoints dello stress ossidativo hanno consentito una approfondita comprensione dell’epatotossicità del Hg, identificando il GSH come la prima linea di difesa contro il Hg e fornendo evidenze dell’insulto ossidativo nelle membrane cellulari. Tuttavia, l’induzione della perossidazione lipidica nel fegato dei cefali è stata efficacemente prevenuta. Nelle branchie dei cefali, la metabolomica ha fornito una descrizione integrata di numerosi metaboliti coinvolti in vari pathways metabolici. In dettaglio, interferenze con i processsi di iono-osmoregolazione sono stati osservati mediante la riduzione della taurine e glicerofosfocolina, con incremento della creatina. Danni nei pathways energetici sono stati osservati, così come il catabolismo proteico, supportato dall’aumento di amminoacidi e di alanina, coinvolta principalmente nell’escrezione dei rifiuti azotati. Vulnerabilità nell’attività respiratoria è stata anche suggerita dall’incremento dell’isobutirato, un noto biomarker di anossia. L’uso combinato della metabolomica e della valutazione dello stato pro-ossidante hanno indicato una massiva ossidazione del GSH in risposta a Hg, e una incapacità della sua rigenerazione (attività di GR era inalterata) o de novo sintesi (riduzione dei precursori del GSH, glicina e glutammato). Il danno perossidativo lipidico è stato prevenuto, probabilmente per un’attivazione dei processi di stabilizzazione/riparazione delle membrane, resultante dalla riduzione dei precursori della fosfatidilcolina. Sebbene l’esposizione al Hg nelle branchie ha portato a uno stato di vulnerabilità dovuto a limitazioni del sistema antiossidante verso un’accomodazione fisiologica, le membrane sono state in grado di rispondere all’insulto ossidativo mediante l’attivazione di processsi di stabilizzazione/riparazione. Infine, dal confronto dettagliato del bioaccumulo differenziale del Hg e delle risposte metaboliche osservate nel fegato e nelle branchie dei pesci, meccanismi tossicologici tessuto-specifici del Hg, attribuibili alle diverse proprietà strutturali e funzioni fisiologiche dei due organi in eame, sono stati evidenziati. Specificamente, l’accumulo del Hg nei tesuti dei pesci ha provocato severi disturbi nei processi iono-osmoregolatori, principalmente nelle branchie, come evidenziato dalla riduzione in osmoliti, quali taurina e glicerofosfocolina. Comunque, la riduzione nel livello della taurina registrato nel fegato è stato associato alla proprietà di chelazione dei metalli della taurina, e risulta quindi nell’attuazione di processi epatici di detossificazione. Alterazioni differenziali nei pathways energetici sono stati osservati tra branchie e fegato, risultatnti nelle branchie nell’attivazione del metabolismo anaerobico come strategia per rifornire una riserva energetica insufficiente, e nel fegato nella promozione della gluconeogenesi. Interferenze nel metabolismo proteico sono state anche individuate in entrambi gli organi, indicando un catabolismo proteico in corso nelle branchie e, al contrario, un’attivazione della sintesi proteica nel fegato per la riparazione delle proteine danneggiate da Hg o per l’attivazione di meccanismi citoprotettivi al fine di contrastare la tossicità del Hg. In aggiunta, alterazioni diffeernziali nei processi di strabilizzazione/riparazione delle membrane e disturbi nel sistema di difesa antiossidante sono stati anche osservati fra branchie e fegato. Pertanto, l’innovativo uso combinato della metabolomica e biomarker convezionali di stress ossidativo, in congiunzione con la caratterizzazione del Hg nei tessuti, si è dimostrato uno strumento sensibile ed efficace nella valutazione meccanicistica della tossicità del Hg nel fegato e nelle branchie dei pesci, fornendo nuove informazioni sui meccanismi che sottintendono il danno ossidativo indotto dal Hg. In generale, la metabolomica ha dimostrato la sua efficacia nella delucidazione dei meccanismi di tossicità del Hg nei pesci in natura, e ha permesso di distinguere effetti tossicologici tessuto-specifici del Hg fra le branchie e il fegato del cefalo dorato, attribuibili alla loro diverza funzione fisiologica, e potenzialmente osservabili nell’uomo.
1H NMR-based metabolomics: a powerful tool to unravel the mechanisms of toxicity of mercury
Environmental metabolomics is a high-throughput approach that has shown considerable potential in mechanistic research. Indeed, it is one of the most powerful “-omics” techniques that allow the simultaneous evaluation of a broad number of endogenous small metabolites, and offer the potential to unravel subtle alterations in biological pathways providing insights into the mechanisms that underlie various physiological conditions, identify new metabolite biomarkers as defensive or adaptive response, and thus provide an overview of the metabolic status of a biological system. Mercury (Hg) is a hazardous pollutant because of its persistence, high toxicity and tendency to bioaccumulate and biomagnify throughout food chains, with implications to humans. Despite the efforts on evaluating the biological impact of Hg on aquatic organisms, the toxicity mechanism of Hg still need to be clarified, and its understanding requires new ways. In this regard, the use of environmental metabolomics may serve as a powerful tool focusing on metabolites involved in various metabolic pathways, which changes might reveal insights into the Hg toxicity mechanisms. Given the similarity of fish responses with higher vertebrates, fish can be used to screen potentially hazardous effects to humans. Considering that oxidative stress has been described as a key pathway to initiate Hg toxicity in fish, the combination of metabolomics and conventional oxidative stress biomarkers could be an innovative and promising approach to disclose Hg-induced toxicity. Hence, this strategy was applied to the liver and gills of the golden grey mullet Liza aurata inhabiting an Hg contaminated system (Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal), with the aim to unmask the mechanisms of Hg toxicity. Furthermore, this thesis has also the merit to provide a detailed comparative analysis of the differential bioaccumulation of Hg and metabolic responses in fish organs, which allowed to discern tissue-specific toxicological effects of Hg in fish liver and gills, attributable to their differential physiological functions. In mullet liver, the major site for xenobiotic bioaccumulation and detoxification processes, metabolomics revealed that Hg accumulation has multiple levels of impact, interfering with membrane stabilization/degradation/repair processes, osmoregulation, energy metabolism, gene expression and antioxidant protection. Also, the oxidative stress biomarkers in liver revealed that Hg triggers adaptive responses of antioxidant system depicted in increased GST and CAT activities as well as GSHt content, compensating GPx activity depletion. Therefore, the combined use of metabolomics and oxidative stress endpoints allowed a better understanding of Hg hepatotoxicity, identifying GSH as a first line of defence against Hg and providing evidences of oxidative insults in cell membranes. Nonetheless, the induction of lipid peroxidation in mullet liver was efficiently prevented. In mullet gills, metabolomics enabled an integrated description of numerous metabolites involved in various metabolic pathways. Interferences with the ion-osmoregulatory processes were revealed, with reduced taurine and glycerophosphocholine, along with increased creatine level. Impairments in energy metabolism were observed, as well as occurrence of protein catabolism supported by the increased levels in amino acids and alanine, the latter mainly involved in nitrogenous waste excretion. Vulnerability in the respiratory gas exchange activity was suggested by augmentation of isobutyrate, a known biomarker of anoxia. The combination of metabolomics and pro-oxidant status evaluation indicated the occurrence of massive GSH oxidation under Hg stress, and an inability to carry out its regeneration (GR activity was unaltered) or de novo synthesis (depletion in GSH constituent amino acids). The prevention of lipid peroxidative damage occurred, and it may be associated with the enhancement of membrane stabilization/repair processes, resulting from depletion in precursors of phosphatidylcholine. Though the exposure to Hg in gills led to a state of vulnerability due to limitations of antioxidant system towards a physiological accommodation, the membranes were able to answer to oxidative insult through the enhancement of stabilization/repair processes. Finally, from the detailed comparison of the differential bioaccumulation of Hg and metabolic responses in fish liver and gills, tissue-specific toxicological mechanisms of Hg, attributable to differential structural properties and physiological functions of the two organs under examination, were also detected. Specifically, Hg accumulation in fish tissues provoked severe disturbances in ion-osmoregulatory processes, mainly in gills, as highlighted by the depletion of osmolytes, namely taurine and glycerophosphocholine. However, the decrease in taurine level recorded in liver was associated to the metal-chelating property of taurine, thus resulting in the occurrence of hepatic detoxification processes. Differential disorders in energy-producing metabolic pathways were found between gills and liver, resulting in an enhancement of anaerobic metabolism as strategy to replenish insufficient energy supply in gills and promotion of gluconeogenesis in liver. Interferences with protein metabolism were also detected in both organs, depicting an ongoing protein catabolism in gills and, conversely, augmented protein synthesis in liver for repair of Hg-damaged proteins or activation of cytoprotective mechanisms to counteract Hg toxicity. Additionally, differential alteration in membrane stabilization/repair processes and perturbation of antioxidant defence system were also pointed out between mullet gills and liver. The novel concurrent use of metabolomics and conventional oxidative stress endpoints, coupled with Hg tissue burdens characterization, demonstrated to be a sensitive and effective tool towards a mechanistically based assessment of Hg toxicity in fish, providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying Hg-induced oxidative stress. Overall, the metabolomics approach demonstrated its effectiveness in the elucidation of the mechanisms of Hg toxicity in wild fish, and allowed to discern tissue-specific toxicological effects of Hg in fish gills and liver, attributable to their differential physiological functions, and potentially observable in humans.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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