MONDELLO, Stefania

MONDELLO, Stefania  

Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche, odontoiatriche e delle immagini morfologiche e funzionali  

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A Direct Cortico-Nigral Pathway as Revealed by Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Tractography in Humans 1-gen-2016 Cacciola, Alberto; Milardi, Demetrio; Anastasi, Giuseppe Pio; Gianpaolo, A. Basile; Pietro, Ciolli; Irrera, Mariangela; Cutroneo, Giuseppina; Bruschetta, Daniele; Rizzo, Giuseppina; Mondello, Stefania; Bramanti, Placido; Quartarone, Angelo
A neuroproteomic and systems biology analysis of rat brain post intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke. 1-gen-2014 C. Ren;J. Guingab-Cagmat;F. Kobeissy;S. Zoltewicz;S. Mondello;M. Gao;A. Hafeez;N. Li;X. Geng;S. F. Larner;J. Anagli;R. L. Hayes;X. Ji;Y. Ding
A simulated fast magnetic resonance enterography protocol in patients with Crohn's disease: a retrospective, randomized, double-blind study. 1-gen-2018 Cicero, G.; Mondello, S.; Blandino, A.; Ascenti, G.; D'Angelo, T.; Mazziotti, S.
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association between the FV H1299R Variant and the Risk of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss 1-gen-2022 Capra, Anna Paola; Ardizzone, Alessio; Briuglia, Silvana; La Rosa, Maria Angela; Mondello, Stefania; Campolo, Michela; Esposito, Emanuela
Accuracy of Cystosonography without Voiding Phase in the Diagnosis of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children: A Variant of the Original Technique 1-gen-2016 Visalli, Carmela; Sicilia, Nunziella; Salamone, Ignazio; Chimenz, Roberto; Fede, Carmelo Mario; Mondello, Stefania
Acute diagnostic biomarkers for spinal cord injury: review of the literature and preliminary research report 1-gen-2015 Yokobori S;Zhang Z;Moghieb A;Mondello S;Gajavelli S;Dietrich WD;Bramlett H;Hayes RL;Wang M;Wang KK;Bullock MR
Acute Temporal Profiles of Serum Levels of UCH-L1 and GFAP and Relationships to Neuronal and Astroglial Pathology following Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats 1-gen-2015 Huang, Xian-Jian; Glushakova, Olena; Mondello, Stefania; Van, Ken; Hayes, Ronald L; Lyeth, Bruce G
Advances in cardiovascular biomarker discovery 1-gen-2020 Ghantous, C. M.; Kamareddine, L.; Farhat, R.; Zouein, F. A.; Mondello, S.; Kobeissy, F.; Zeidan, A.
Alpha-synuclein Levels in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Atypical Parkinsonian Disorders 1-gen-2013 R., Constantinescu; Mondello, Stefania; L., Khadim; A., Jeromin
alphaII-Spectrin Breakdown Products (SBDPs): Diagnosis and Outcome in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients 1-gen-2010 Mondello, Stefania; Robicsek, S; Gabrielli, A; Brophy, G; Papa, L; Tepas Iii, J; Robertson, C; Buki, A; Scharf, D; Jixiang, M; Akinyi, L; Muller, U; Wang, Kk; Hayes, Rl
An updated overview of animal models in neuropsychiatry 1-gen-2013 M., Razafsha; H., Behforuzi; H., Harati; Wafai, R. A. L.; A., Khaku; Mondello, Stefania; M. S., Gold; F. H., Kobeissy
Anesthetic techniques and cancer recurrence after surgery. 1-gen-2014 V. Fodale;M. G. D'Arrigo;S. Triolo;S. Mondello;D. L. Torre
Angiotensin receptor antagonists: a potential neuroprotective strategy after brain trauma*. 1-gen-2012 Mondello S
Approach to Modeling, Therapy Evaluation, Drug Selection, and Biomarker Assessments for a Multicenter Pre-Clinical Drug Screening Consortium for Acute Therapies in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Operation Brain Trauma Therapy 1-gen-2016 Kochanek, Patrick M; Bramlett, Helen M.; Dixon, C. Edward; Shear, Deborah A.; Dietrich, W. Dalton; Schmid, Kara E.; Mondello, Stefania; Wang, Kevin K. W.; Hayes, Ronald L.; Povlishock, John T.; Tortella, Frank C.
ASSESSING A NECROSIS AND APOPTOSIS INDEX USING CSF alpha II-SPECTRIN BREAKDOWN PRODUCT LEVELS IN SEVERE TBI 1-gen-2012 Wang, Kkw; Robicsek, S; Robertson, C; Brophy, Gm; Gabrielli, A; Hannay, Hj; Heaton, S; Hayes, R; Mondello, Stefania; Schmalfuss, I; Papa, L.
Assessing Neuro-Systemic & Behavioral Components in the Pathophysiology of Blast-Related Brain Injury. 1-gen-2013 Kobeissy, F; Mondello, Stefania; Tümer, N; Toklu, Hz; Whidden, Ma; Kirichenko, N; Zhang, Z; Prima, V; Yassin, W; Anagli, J; Chandra, N; Svetlov, S; Wang, Kk
Assessing the influence of age and gender on the phenotype of myotonic dystrophy type 2 1-gen-2017 Montagnese, Federica; Mondello, Stefania; Wenninger, Stephan; Kress, Wolfram; Schoser, Benedikt
Assessment of Serum UCH-L1 and GFAP in Acute Stroke Patients 1-gen-2016 Ren, Changhong; Kobeissy, Firas; Alawieh, Ali; Li, Na; Li, Ning; Zibara, Kazem; Zoltewicz, Susie; Guingab Cagmat, Joy; Larner, Stephen F; Ding, Yuchuan; Hayes, Ronald L; Ji, Xunming; Mondello, Stefania
Autoantibodies in traumatic brain injury and central nervous system trauma. 1-gen-2014 Raad, M; Nohra, E; Chams, N; Itani, M; Talih, F; Mondello, S; Kobeissy, F.
Behavior of vascular endothelial growth factor and erythropoietin throughout the menstrual cycle in healthy women. 1-gen-2007 C., Caccamo; L., Nostro; Giorgianni, Grazia Maria; Mondello, Stefania; E., Crascì; Frisina, Nicola; Buemi, Michele