Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 1.842
NA - Nord America 1.728
AS - Asia 632
OC - Oceania 8
AF - Africa 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 4.218
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.715
IE - Irlanda 517
SE - Svezia 442
IT - Italia 294
SG - Singapore 286
CN - Cina 275
PL - Polonia 144
DE - Germania 140
UA - Ucraina 106
FI - Finlandia 96
GB - Regno Unito 49
IN - India 43
BE - Belgio 22
CA - Canada 13
RU - Federazione Russa 13
VN - Vietnam 12
ID - Indonesia 10
AU - Australia 7
NL - Olanda 4
AT - Austria 3
EU - Europa 3
GR - Grecia 3
IR - Iran 3
FR - Francia 2
LT - Lituania 2
LV - Lettonia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
ES - Italia 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GA - Gabon 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JO - Giordania 1
MA - Marocco 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 4.218
Città #
Dublin 517
Chandler 371
Nyköping 325
Jacksonville 257
Singapore 225
Beijing 146
Warsaw 144
Messina 120
Princeton 105
Cambridge 81
Des Moines 75
Ann Arbor 67
Ashburn 66
Dearborn 59
Medford 52
Bremen 45
Pune 34
Boardman 33
Brussels 22
Wilmington 21
Jinan 20
Los Angeles 17
San Mateo 16
Guangzhou 15
Shenyang 15
Helsinki 14
Reggio Calabria 11
Dong Ket 10
London 10
Hebei 9
Munich 9
Nanjing 9
Ottawa 9
Woodbridge 9
Catania 8
Fuzhou 7
Jakarta 7
Bergamo 6
Brescia 6
Milan 6
Norwalk 6
Seattle 6
Siracusa 6
Vittoria 6
Anzola Dell'emilia 5
Hangzhou 5
Melbourne 5
Ningbo 5
Phoenix 5
Southwark 5
Taizhou 5
Tianjin 5
Washington 5
Auburn Hills 4
Haikou 4
Leawood 4
Rome 4
Verona 4
Zhengzhou 4
Ardabil 3
Augusta 3
Caltagirone 3
City of Westminster 3
Jiaxing 3
Newham 3
Paratico 3
South Tangerang 3
Toronto 3
Vienna 3
Arzignano 2
Augsburg 2
Castel Maggiore 2
Changsha 2
Clearwater 2
Dalmine 2
Hanover 2
Houston 2
Hyderabad 2
Lanzhou 2
Lappeenranta 2
Milazzo 2
Mumbai 2
Nuremberg 2
Redmond 2
Redwood City 2
San Nicola dell'Alto 2
Scordia 2
Southampton 2
Tappahannock 2
Torre del Greco 2
Tower Hamlets 2
Afragola 1
Amman 1
Amsterdam 1
Armagh 1
Awasa 1
Bonate Sopra 1
Boulder 1
Brno 1
Brooklyn 1
Totale 3.154
Nome #
Sample separation and the sensitivity of investment to cash flow: Is the monotonicity condition empirically satisfied? 110
Escaping the trap of `blocking': A kinetic model linking economic development and political competition 100
Economic freedom, corporate investment and financing constraints. 90
Forecasting Efficient Risk/Return Frontier for Equity Risk with a KTAP Approach—A Case Study in Milan Stock Exchange 85
The impact of ownership characteristics on persistent high-cash and low-leverage policies: Evidence from UK firms 72
The impact of political calculus on the reform of institutions and growth: Old and new examples 72
Sample separation and the sensitivity of investment to cash flow: On the monotonicity condition 72
Modeling Human Behavior in Economics and Social Science 68
null 67
A Kinetic Theory Model of the Dynamics of Liquidity Profiles on Interbank Networks 67
L'approccio economico alla criminalità e una analisi econometrica del caso italiano 66
Public infrastructure, spillover effects and firm investment. Theory and evidence 64
Convergence in an AutoCorrelation Function Framework 62
Testing the political replacement effect: A Panel data analysis 61
A critical analysis towards research perspectives: Reply to comments on “Modeling human behavior in economics and social science” 57
A Note on the Empirics of the Neoclassical Growth Model 55
Bureaucratic institutional design: the case of the Italian NHS 55
Towards an equilibrium level ofmarket reform: how politics affectsthe dynamics of policy change 54
Determinants of Financial Conservatism: Evidence from Low-leverage and Cash-rich UK Firms 53
Does executive ownership lead to excess target cash? The case of UK firms 53
Is the relationship between education and crime non-linear? Evidence from Italian regions 52
Business Group Affiliation, Innovation, Internationalization and Performance: A Semi-Parametric Analysis 52
Institutions, Finance and Investment 52
Comparing Logit-based Early Warning Systems: Does the Duration of Systemic Banking Crises Matter? 52
Do Basel Accords Influence Competition in the Banking Industry? A Comparative Analysis of Germany and the UK 52
Motivazioni entrinseche e decisioni di governo nel rapporto di agenzia tra elettori ed eletti: il caso italiano degli anni novanta 51
Industrialization, convergence and governance: the case of Italy 51
Economic Freedom and Firms' Investment Decisions in US 51
The Banking System and Savings Allocation in Italy 51
Total Factor Productivity and the Convergence Hypothesis in the Italian Regions 50
Can Citizens Affect the Performance of Elected Representatives? A Principal Agent Model of Strategic Coordination in Democratic System 50
Adverse selection and moral hazard in the Italian banking system. IN CORSO DI PUBBLICAZIONE SU 50
Political and Economic Freedom: Is This Relationship Non-Linear? 49
Diverging Regions, Converging Clubs and Italy 49
Political competition and economic growth: A test of two tales 49
Concentration-stability vs concentration-fragility. New cross-country evidence 49
Il ruolo delle informazioni nella prevenzione delle attività criminali in un modello di interazione strategica 48
Crescita endogena e funzione di produzione. Un approccio critico 48
null 47
Relaxing Hypotheses on Convergence: Some Methodological Notes 47
Early Warning Systems and Banking Crisis in Low Income Countries: A Multinomial Logit Approach. 47
International Output Convergence: Evidence from Autocorrelation Function Approach 46
A semi-parametric analysis on carbon monoxide distribution 46
Time Series Tests of Neoclassical Growth Models 45
Growth and Convergence: A Non-parametric Approach 44
Infrastrutture regionali ed investimenti d’impresa: teoria ed evidenza empirica in Ita lia 44
Financial Conservatism: Evidence from low leverage and cash rich UK firms 43
Investment-cash flow sensitivity and the degree of financing constraints: Evidence from an emerging market 43
Business Group Affiliation, Innovation, Internationalization and Performance: A Semi-Parametric Analysis. 43
On the adoption decision and intra-firm diffusion of complementary innovations: Evidence from UK establishments 42
Public Capital, Growth and Convergence in Spain. A Counterfactual Density Estimation Approach 42
On the adoption decision and intra-firm diffusion of complementary innovations: Evidence from UK establishments 41
Non Market Effects of Education on Crime: Evidence from Italian Regions. 41
Regional Infrastructure and Firm’s Investment. Evidence from Italian regions and Firms. 40
Failure of capital requirements regulation in the banking industry: evidence from a bank-based financial system 40
L’impatto dei Fondi Strutturali sulla persistenza dei tassi di disoccupazione 39
Growth in a counterfactual stochastic kernel framework 38
Estimating the Wage Premium to Supervision for Middle Managers in Different Contexts: Evidence from Germany and the UK 36
A Semiparametric Analysis of the Carbon Monoxide Distribution 35
L’ipotesi di transizione economico-ambientale: un approccio semiparametrico 35
The Law of Survival of the Political Class: An analysis of the Italian Parliament (1946-2013) 35
Productivity measurement in multi-input multi-output contexts and in absence of prices 34
Interbank Networks and Liquidity Risk 34
Profits Persistence and Ownership: Evidence from Italian Banking Sector 33
Sistema bancario e allocazione del risparmio in Italia 33
null 31
Suboptimal Financial Policies and Executive Ownership in the UK: Evidence from a Pre-crisis. 30
Growth and Development is a Stochastic Kernel Environment 29
null 29
Local Public Corruption and Bank Lending Activity in the United States 29
International Output Convergence: Evidence from an AutoCorrelation Function Framewor 28
On the Relationship between the Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity and the Degree of Financing Constraints 26
Relaxing Hypoteses on convergence: some methodological notes 26
Motivazioni intrinseche e decisioni di governo nel rapporto di agenzia tra elettori ed eletti: il caso italiano degli anni novanta 26
null 25
Fractional Pairwise Convergence When Macroeconomic Policies Differ. IN SECONDA REVISIONE PER 25
L'ipotesi di transizione economico ambientale: un approccio semiparametrico 25
On the determinants of convergence and divergence process in Spain 25
Does Economic freedom enhance firm investment? Theory and evidence from North America 24
Know how locali, accumulazione di conoscenze e vincoli finanziari. Problematiche di crescita nell’analisi di un campione di imprese operanti nella provincial di Cosenza 24
L’approccio economico alla criminalita` e un’analisi econometrica del caso italiano. 24
Does economic liberalization foster corporate investment? Theory and evidence from US and Canadian firms 23
Economic freedom, firm investment and financing constraints. Theory and empirical evidence. 23
Institutions and taxation in Italy: is the political cycle too short? 23
Growth, Polarisation and Conditional Counterfactual Densities in a Weighed Kernel Density Estimation Approach 23
The non-monotonic impact of bank size on their default swap spreads: Cross-country evidence. 22
Britain and BrExit: Is the UK more attractive to supervisors? An analysis of the wage premium to supervision across the EU 21
Finanziamento degli investimenti, espansione razionata e comportamenti conservativi. Il caso del settore manifatturiero della provincia di Cosenza. 19
Autonomy in decision-making and freshmen’s performance at university: evidence from Italy 18
On the Effects of Industrialisation Processes on Growth and Convergence Dynamics: Evidence from Italian Regions 18
L’approccio economico alla criminalità e una analisi econometrica del caso italiano 18
Finanziamento degli investimenti, espansione razionata e comportamenti conservativi. Il caso del settore manifatturiero della provincia di Cosenza 17
Know-how locali, accumulazione di conoscenze e vincoli finanziari. Problematiche di crescita nell’analisi di un campione di imprese operanti nella provincia di Cosenza 17
Education and Crime: Evidence from Italian Regions 17
On the Determinants of Convergence and Divergence Processes in Spain 16
Lavoranti e non lavoranti 16
Sviluppo delle imprese operanti in un’area interna del Mezzogiorno e formazione di sistemi territoriali di imprese 16
Multimodality in the distribution of GDP and the absolute convergence hypothesis 16
Education and Crime: Evidence from Italian Regions (1980-95) 16
Totale 4.212
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.565
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 20.565

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020339 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 35 11 113 106 33
2020/2021573 47 24 86 29 88 39 24 69 57 50 36 24
2021/2022594 5 67 8 17 24 5 18 32 8 11 209 190
2022/20231.490 146 129 71 116 122 109 10 92 615 7 53 20
2023/2024369 29 53 35 37 38 71 0 14 19 14 7 52
2024/2025419 30 24 56 143 77 56 33 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.376