CAMPOLO, Maria Gabriella
CAMPOLO, Maria Gabriella
Dipartimento di Economia
A S.U.R.E. Estimation Procedure of Italian Intra-Household Working-Time Allocation.
2008-01-01 DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Mucciardi, Massimo; Campolo, Maria Gabriella
A simultaneous-equation estimation model of life-course transition effects on market and domestic work of Italian couples
2012-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Rizzi, Ester Lucia
An Empirical Analysis of Women’s Working Time,And an Estimation of Female Labour Supply in Italy
2012-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino
Assessing heterogeneity in a matching estimation of endogenous treatment effect
2017-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Otranto, Edoardo
Assessing individual skill influence on housework time of Italian women: an endogenous-switching approach
2023-01-01 Calzolari, Giorgio; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Di Pino, Antonino; Magazzini, Laura
Assessing Selectivity in the Estimation of the Causal Effects of Retirement on the Labour Division in the Italian Couples
2017-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Di Pino, Antonino
Benessere e qualità della vita degli immigrati e disuguaglianze socio-economiche nella popolazione residente in Italia in età contemporanea
2023-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Di Pino Incognito, Antonino
Bias Reduction in a Matching Estimation of Treatment Effect
2018-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Di Pino, Antonino; Otranto, Edoardo
Causal Effects of Retirement on the Housework Division in the Italian Couples
2015-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino
Changes in Daily Life Habits during COVID-19 and Their Transitory and Permanent Effects on Italian University Students’ Anxiety Level
2024-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Panarello, Demetrio
Children’s Use of Time and Well-Being in Italy
2019-01-01 BUSETTA, Giovanni; CAMPOLO, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino
Economic expectations and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic: a one-year longitudinal evaluation on Italian university students.
2023-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Panarello, Demetrio
Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on university students’ anxiety disorder in Italy
2021-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Fiorillo, Fabio; Pagani, Laura; Panarello, Demetrio; Augello, Valeria
Empirical Analysis of Married Women’s Working Time and Paid-Work EquationEstimation in Italy
2012-01-01 DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Campolo, Maria Gabriella
Empirical Analysis of Women’s Working Time and Wage-Elasticity Estimation in Italy
2010-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino
Estimating the Change in Housework Time of the Italian Woman after the Retirement of the Male Partner: An Approach Based on a Two-Regime Model Estimated by ML
2020-01-01 Calzolari, G.; Campolo, M. G.; Di Pino Incognito, A.; Magazzini, L.
Estimation of Working-Time Allocation of Italian Families
2007-01-01 DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Mucciardi, Massimo; Campolo, Maria Gabriella
Estimation of Working-Time Allocation of Italian Families.
2007-01-01 DI PINO INCOGNITO, Antonino; Mucciardi, Massimo; Campolo, Maria Gabriella
Fa più paura il virus o restare isolati? Effetti del COVID-19 sugli studenti di tre università italiane
2022-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Fiorillo, Fabio; Pagani, Laura; Panarello, Demetrio; Augello, Valeria
How Do Life Course Events Affect Paid and Unpaid Work of Italian Couples?
2016-01-01 Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Di Pino Incognito, Antonino; Rizzi, Ester Lucia