The expression "embedded systems"is used in different contexts and with broad meanings, but in electronics, it refers to systems that contain peripherals and a firmware for local digital data processing, often on a single board. Embedded systems are often associated with the field of computer science, emphasizing the software and programming aspects of systems. However, the progress made on the hardware side cannot be ignored, and without such technological advances, embedded systems would not exist. In fact, the progress in the field of microelectronics drives a constant evolution of variegated digital platforms, which gradually become easier to program and configure, thus reducing the development and prototyping phase and causing a strong impact on different research and application fields.
Advances in measurements and instrumentation leveraging embedded systems
Scandurra G.
The expression "embedded systems"is used in different contexts and with broad meanings, but in electronics, it refers to systems that contain peripherals and a firmware for local digital data processing, often on a single board. Embedded systems are often associated with the field of computer science, emphasizing the software and programming aspects of systems. However, the progress made on the hardware side cannot be ignored, and without such technological advances, embedded systems would not exist. In fact, the progress in the field of microelectronics drives a constant evolution of variegated digital platforms, which gradually become easier to program and configure, thus reducing the development and prototyping phase and causing a strong impact on different research and application fields.Pubblicazioni consigliate
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