PILLONI, Alessandro
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.371
EU - Europa 1.054
AS - Asia 348
SA - Sud America 11
Totale 2.784
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.370
IE - Irlanda 634
SG - Singapore 303
SE - Svezia 243
IT - Italia 107
CN - Cina 26
BE - Belgio 25
FI - Finlandia 14
BR - Brasile 9
DE - Germania 6
AT - Austria 5
IN - India 5
GB - Regno Unito 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
ID - Indonesia 3
UA - Ucraina 3
GR - Grecia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PE - Perù 2
AL - Albania 1
CH - Svizzera 1
EE - Estonia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IS - Islanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
NL - Olanda 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 2.784
Città #
Dublin 634
Chandler 567
Singapore 238
Nyköping 168
Princeton 127
Des Moines 88
Messina 88
New York 27
Wilmington 27
Brussels 25
Medford 23
Santa Clara 18
Lappeenranta 14
Norwalk 6
Nuremberg 6
Pune 5
Ashburn 4
Catania 4
Jinan 4
Hong Kong 3
Iesi 3
Jakarta 3
Shenyang 3
Vienna 3
Viterbo 3
Haikou 2
Hebei 2
London 2
Los Angeles 2
Luxembourg 2
Nanchang 2
Ningbo 2
Wuhan 2
Zhengzhou 2
Abaeté 1
Amarah 1
Amargosa 1
Amsterdam 1
Ashgabat 1
Avaré 1
Baghdad 1
Belo Horizonte 1
Bishkek 1
Bratislava 1
Brooklyn 1
Budapest 1
Chisinau 1
Colombo 1
Contagem 1
Easton 1
Edinburgh 1
Florence 1
Jesuânia 1
Lima 1
Ljubljana 1
Mexico City 1
Milan 1
Nanjing 1
Nashville 1
Piraeus 1
Porto Alegre 1
Reggio Calabria 1
Reykjavik 1
Riga 1
Salvador 1
San Mateo 1
Springfield 1
Stornara 1
Taipei 1
Taiyuan 1
Taizhou 1
Tallinn 1
Tel Aviv 1
Tirana 1
Tokyo 1
Vinnytsia 1
Votuporanga 1
Washington 1
Zurich 1
Totale 2.154
Nome #
Evidence for a New Structure in the J/ψp and J/ψpbar Systems in Bs0→J/ψppbar Decays 53
Diquark correlations in hadron physics: Origin, impact and evidence 46
Production of exotic hadrons at hadron colliders 43
The nature of X(3872) from high-multiplicity pp collisions 43
H → γγ: A comment on the indeterminacy of non-gauge-invariant integrals 40
Observation of light nuclei at ALICE and the X (3872) conundrum 40
Collins asymmetries in inclusive charged KK and Kπ pairs produced in e+e- annihilation 39
Equivalence of three-particle scattering formalisms 38
Three-body scattering in isobar ansatz 38
Amplitude analysis and the nature of the Zc(3900) 37
Cross sections for the reactions e+e- → KS0 KL0 π0, KS0 KL0 η, and KS0 KL0 π0π0 from events with initial-state radiation 37
Spin of the X(3872) 37
Determination of the Pole Position of the Lightest Hybrid Meson Candidate 36
Bottomonium spectroscopy and radiative transitions involving the χbJ(1P,2P) states at BaBar 36
Hybridized tetraquarks 36
Pentaquark photoproduction 36
Measurement of the D0 →π-e+νe differential decay branching fraction as a function of q2 and study of form factor parametrizations 36
Measurement of the B0 →D∗-π+π-π+ branching fraction 36
Dalitz plot analyses of J /ψ →π+π-π0, J /ψ →k+K-π0, and J /ψ → Ks0 K±π∓ produced via e+e- annihilation with initial-state radiation 35
Search for B+ →K+τ+τ- at the BaBar Experiment 35
Resonant contributions to inclusive nucleon structure functions from exclusive meson electroproduction data 35
Four-quark hadrons: An updated review 35
Observation of Bbar → D(∗) π+π- ell- νbar Decays in e+e- Collisions at the Υ(4S) Resonance 35
Analyticity constraints for hadron amplitudes: Going high to heal low-energy issues 34
Exotic Hadron spectroscopy 34
Modeling new XYZ states at JPAC 34
Double polarization observables in pentaquark photoproduction 33
Evidence for CP violation in B+ →K∗ (892)+π0 from a Dalitz plot analysis of B+ → KS0 π+π0 decays 33
Search for a light Higgs resonance in radiative decays of the Υ(1S) with a charm tag 33
Review of phenomenological analyses of $eta^{(prime)} pi$ resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment activities and recent results 32
Measurement of the branching fractions of the radiative leptonic τ decays τ →eγ ν νbar and τ →μγ ννbar at BABAR 32
Measurement of angular asymmetries in the decays B →K∗+ ell+ ell- 32
Study of the e+e- →K+K- reaction in the energy range from 2.6 to 8.0 GeV 32
Dalitz plot analyses of B0 →D-D0 K+ and B+ → D0bar D0 K+ decays 31
Exotic heavy quarkonium spectroscopy: A mini-review 31
Exclusive tensor meson photoproduction 30
Comment on 'Note on X(3872) production at hadron colliders and its molecular structure' 30
Study of CP asymmetry in B0- B0bar mixing with inclusive dilepton events 30
Flavored tetraquark spectroscopy 29
π-p→η(′)π-p in the double-Regge region 29
Studying the Pc (4450) resonance in J/ψ photoproduction off protons 29
Study of B → Kππγ decays 28
Dalitz-plot decomposition for three-body decays 27
Moments of angular distribution and beam asymmetries in ηπ0 photoproduction at GlueX 27
Probing the nature of Zc(') states via the ηc ρ decay 27
Finite-energy sum rules in eta photoproduction off a nucleon 27
Resonances in QCD 26
Photoproduction of the f2(1270) Meson Using the CLAS Detector 25
Three-body unitarity with isobars revisited 25
Doubly charmed tetraquarks in Bc and Ξbc decays 24
Search for a muonic dark force at BaBar 24
Measurement of the neutral D meson mixing parameters in a time-dependent amplitude analysis of the D0 →π+π-π0 decay 23
Search for a Dark Photon in e+e- Collisions at BaBar 23
Tests of CPT symmetry in B0-B0bar mixing and in B0 →ccbar K0 decays 23
Measurement of initial-state-final-state radiation interference in the processes e+e- →μ+μ-γ and e+e- →π+π-γ 23
Note on the newly observed Y(4220) resonance 23
Deep Learning Exotic Hadrons 22
Search for Lepton Flavor Violation in Upsilon(3S) --> e+- mu-+ 22
Doubly heavy tetraquarks in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation 22
Search for lepton-flavor-violating decays D0 →x0e±μ∓ 22
Studying the Pc(4450) Resonance in J/ψ Photoproduction Off Protons 22
Multiquark resonances 22
Measurement of the I=1/2 Kπ S -wave amplitude from Dalitz plot analyses of ηc →K Kbar π in two-photon interactions 20
XYZ spectroscopy at electron-hadron facilities: Exclusive processes 19
A Mechanism for Hadron Molecule Production in pp(pbar) Collisions 19
Gauge theories in anti-selfdual variables 19
Three-body scattering: ladders and resonances 18
Measurement of the spectral function for the τ- →K-KS0 ντ decay 18
Vector meson photoproduction with a linearly polarized beam 18
Precision e- beam polarimetry at an e+e- B factory using tau-pair events 18
XYZ: Four quark states? 17
The Physics of the B Factories 17
Nucleon resonance contributions to unpolarized inclusive electron scattering 16
Interpretation of the LHCb Pc (4312)+ Signal 16
Time-dependent analysis of B0 → KS0 π-π+γ decays and studies of the K+π-π+ system in B+ →K+π-π+γ decays 16
From the line shape of the X(3872) to its structure 16
Search for Darkonium in e+e- Collisions 16
Pole position of the a1 (1260) from τ -decay 15
What is the right formalism to search for resonances? 15
Measurement of the γ∗γ∗ →η′ transition form factor 15
Global analysis of charge exchange meson production at high energies 15
Observation of a Narrow Pentaquark State, Pc (4312)+, and of the Two-Peak Structure of the Pc (4450)+ 15
Measurements of the Absolute Branching Fractions of B± →K± Xccbar 15
Extraction of form Factors from a Four-Dimensional Angular Analysis of Bbar → D* ell- νbar_ell 15
Study of the reactions e+e- →π+π-π0π0π0 and π+π-π0π0η at center-of-mass energies from threshold to 4.35 GeV using initial-state radiation 15
Scalar and tensor resonances in J/ψ radiative decays 15
Search for B-→ Λ pbar ν νbar with the BaBar experiment 14
Search for the decay mode B0→ pp pbar pbar 14
First Evidence for cos2β>0 and Resolution of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Quark-Mixing Unitarity Triangle Ambiguity 14
Khuri-Treiman equations for 3π decays of particles with spin 14
Measurement of the e+e−→Ks0K±π∓π0 and Ks0K±π∓η cross sections using initial-state radiation 14
JPG=1++ charged resonance in the Y(4260) →π+π-J/ψ decay? 14
First Observation of CP Violation in B0bar → DCP(∗) h0 Decays by a Combined Time-Dependent Analysis of BABAR and Belle Data 14
Search for a Stable Six-Quark State at BABAR 13
Measurement of the D∗(2010)+-D+ Mass Difference 13
Observation of the Decay D0 →K-π+e+e- 13
Regge phenomenology of the N∗ and Δ∗ poles 13
What is the right formalism to search for resonances? II. The pentaquark chain 13
Khuri–Treiman equations for ππ scattering 13
Search for Invisible Decays of a Dark Photon Produced in e+e- Collisions at BaBar 13
Totale 2.544
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.689
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 22.689

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022606 0 0 130 3 73 1 24 36 4 2 17 316
2022/20231.653 196 172 33 135 55 138 12 84 760 15 39 14
2023/2024288 25 55 18 15 14 36 6 3 4 29 2 81
2024/2025480 28 11 158 76 91 15 40 61 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.027